xôi vò - mung beans sticky rice

Maybe I have overevaluated my multi-tasking skills/ my time management  OR maybe I am not strong enough so I couldn't get food, tea of my mind for a day to study... so I decided to take a time off, about 2 months.

I used to learn quick, remember well ... but currently in a serious situation with dissertation and exams, I won't bother you more with that unfortunate situation when  I came back knowing that I had to carry on with a dissertation that i canceled months ago instead of taking two other modules.

Anyway, the last shot before I go, mung beans sticky rice, we call xôi vò in Vietnamese which I couldn't explain:
xôi is the dish, steamed sticky rice
but : scrunch while we don't actually do that

When I was a kid and used to stay with grands during summer holiday, I learnt this from my granddad's elder sister. She came to visit him few times yearly, she's a subtle lady and absolutely dedicated in her cooking. She showed me very little details in cooking, for steamed sticky rice, we should turn the gas to full whack, use a high pot and frequently remove the vapour water from the lid .... so the rice will be sticky, dry, chewy but not muddy

I've also learnt from a big sister a very effective technique for this kind of sticky rice which saved me so much time ... I'll show you but in the mean time, let go

Good luck with your works, your life and if you know any technique for concentration please let me know, in the mean time I'll try some essential oils and meditation.

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